Students Launch Chick-fil-a Box Recycling at ACE
At The Academy of Christian Education (ACE), one of the student's favorite hot lunch days is Wednesdays. Why you might ask? That is because Wednesdays are Chick-fil-a day. The great employees at Chick-fil-a Reston, North Point Village package up lunch for our students every Wednesday in individualized boxes. Each student who orders lunch that day gets a box with their name on it and at the end of the lunch period that box ends up in the trash. That is until the ACE Student Government Association (SGA) decided to step in and create a solution. The solution they implemented is to recycle the boxes and they have gotten the whole school involved. The SGA produced a video to demonstrate how to break down the boxes so that they are flat and how to place them into the new recycling containers. Our students went a step further to figure out how much landfill waste their efforts would save. They determined, with the help of a few teachers, that recycling the Chick-fil-a boxes will save 40,880 cubic centimeters of trash every week, 163,520 cubic centimeters of trash per month, and 1,144,640 cubic centimeters of trash every year. That is quite an impact ACE students. Way to go!
ACE Swag
Attention ACE Families!!
Want to support ACE?
Want to spread the word about ACE to friends?
Does your child beg for one of those new sweatshirts that everyone is wearing?
The ACE SWAG store is now open. You can find the store under the quick links header on our website. We offer everything from ACE magnets to ACE folding sports chairs. The new sweatshirts are so comfortable that you will want one for yourself as well as your student! We have plenty of sizes to choose from. The best part is that every purchase you make supports our school. Plus, you will be spreading the word about our great school to those who spot you in your SWAG. Check out our new store today!
How to Pay for College
If you have children, then I am sure that paying for college has crossed your mind at some point. “On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year. An 8% college inflation rate means that the cost of college doubles about every nine years.” ( I'm sure that statistic didn't help calm your nerves about paying for college. Planning ahead for college expenses is the only way to calm those nerves.
When the time comes, do you know if your student will qualify for financial aid? Do you know the difference between financial aid and needs based aid? Is a 529 plan actually beneficial? These questions and many more can be answered by James L. Hicks, CFP®, ChFC®, ChSNC™, CFBS, CLU®, CPFA®, MBA. Jimmy is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and has been a member of The College Funding Coach® since 2014. Ready to learn from Jimmy? Join us for parent workshop “Little Know Secrets of Paying for College” at the Academy of Christian Education on Tuesday March 7 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The event is free but we do ask that you reserve your seat.
College is EXPENSIVE! The College Funding Coach® is here to help families figure out HOW to save and HOW to pay for it! College seems far off, but in the blink of an eye your children will be there.